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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Knick Knack Paddywack, Give The Kid A Grammy-gram

We've been doing a lot of exploring lately, which is great when the weather's nice but if you haven't been out much let me tell you - it was F*cking hot. The other day, when it wasn't hot, we had thundershowers. Like with lightening bolts and hail. I thought Thor was coming. So what did I do? Ducked into someplace safe where we could be inconspicuous. And use their bathroom.

Naturally, the consumer a.k.a. Samu found a ton of stuff he asked me to buy him.

Of all places, we wound up at the mall in the South Street Seaport. They have a Christmas shop. Both boys in unison said, "Oh, I love Christmas shops!"

They must've learned that from their Grammy.

Being that it was the South Street Seaport, they had lots of seafood ornaments. Particularly crabs. Samu's favorite - for some unbeknownst reason. He picked up a crab ornament and asked me to buy it.

"Let me see how much it is." I said.

"It's not so expensive, because it's small," was his reasoning.

The price tag said, "$11.99."

The next one - "$13.99."

No friggin' way.

He curled his lips in quiet desperation. He was getting ready to throw a tantrum and force my hand into a negotiation. So, before that happened I gave him the line that always seems to work.

"Let's take a picture and send it to Grammy."

Crabby Christmas Ornaments - one of five Samu has his eye on

Here are the rest

Zuki wants to buy this for his Auntie. He's a sweetie.

Samu also wants this gaudy water thing. There's a crab on the front.
Of course, when we rode out the storm in Barnes and Nobles, I thought for sure they'd come away with wanting fine literature. Instead, I had Zuki asking me to send Grammy these items for his Wish List:

Lego Watches for Zuki who thinks there's 30 seconds in a minute
For Christmas 2012 - I'm going to ask Santa for a scanning gun.


  1. How very clever! Getting photos taken of your wish list and sending it to Grammy! Love it!
    That water thing is all sorts of awesome. :)

    1. It's supposed to be relaxing, but I find it scary.

  2. Nami, I'm at Best Buy -- I'm going to send you some pictures!

    1. Okay. But I'd think you'd score better sending it to Grammy. Really - she's like Con Edison (before the shut out) - On It!

  3. What's up with Barnes & Noble selling toys now? I hate that. Jerks.

    1. They should sell Tylenol - I always get a headache there.

  4. Love those kids! I'm going to have to try this out with Adam! Tell Zuk love the necklace!

    1. Not that he actually got it for you but if it's the thought that counts, I'm taking pictures of what I WISHED I could buy for everybody. Zuki's starting a trend here!

  5. Maybe I can send you come pics from my wish list? OK Maybe not. But it is a brilliant idea! Well Played!

    1. Since they say a picture speaks a thousand words, let's say it's easier than writing a proposal.

  6. What grammy doesn't love a Ninjago figurine????? hahahaha! That's like the gift Homer Simpson gave marge- a bowling ball with his name inscribed on it! :)

    1. Yes, I remember that one. Marge almost had an affair.

  7. I love that your kids keep you on your toes... you're always one step ahead of them!

    1. Thanks for seeing it that way. I wish it were true. I wish.

  8. You're freakin' BRILLIANT. My mom doesn't even OWN a cell phone...and she doesn't know how to check her email either...but Lily has no clue about such things, and I'm totally gonna start fake-texting my mom photos of Strawberry Shortcake dolls and Polly Pockets.

    1. Well, we need to get your mom with the program! Since this post, Samu has received a stuffed animal lobster and a wind-up hermit crab. He's in heaven.
