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Friday, July 20, 2012

Ageless - For Now

No matter what the age, some things never grow old, like blasting the Ramones on road trips, getting trashed on vacations and discovering new details on your five-hundredth trip to the American Museum of Natural History.

I love the Natural History museum. It's air conditioned. It's bathrooms don't double as a shower for homeless people. And best of all - it's effortless fun.

My last couple of trips to the American Museum of Natural History was as a chaperone on school trips. I watched the kids, not the swamp display. So this time, I watched my boys gawk and stare in wonder and it was like seeing the displays for the first time.

I had no idea the museum had so much seafood, meat and vegetables in their original form.

Sperm whale vs. Giant squid vs. One Mother Bottle of Soy Sauce

Then came our annual family trip to Wildwood, New Jersey. The boys have attended this annual summer weekend with their extended family since they were gestating in my belly. And now they have someone new to torture, other than their parents: a brand new cousin. Without further ado, their not-so-thilled-to-be-with-them cousin.

Yes, we're related - we're in a pub, aren't we?
And here's a lesson we learned this trip: you can't play "Hang Man" with Zuki because...he can't spell. This is his turn playing against an older cousin - the word is "penguin" only there's no "g".

Still, not as bad as his next word: "water." The opponent guessed "e, t and r" only to be told that it wasn't in the word.

He'll be fine as long as he plays this game in Japan, I suppose.

My 46th birthday passed this week as well.


Can you tell how thrilled I am?

I planned the day accommodating everybody but me and got pissed off at them for taking me up on it. was worth it for this shot of Samu waiting for his friend to arrive on their playdate:

This was my birthday cake afterwards:

The aftermath of the stilts that held up the platform that held 45 candles
And I guess I have to continue the rest when the hangover wears off...


  1. Happy belated birthday! I've been away from the blog world refreshing my mind and Tweeting however I am back at it and can't wait to read your blog again

    1. Good to see you around again, Adrienne! Hope your Boy Scout is enjoying this summer as much as my guys!

  2. Happy Belated Birthday, girl! Happy 30th birthday ;) Hugs from all the way across the ocean. PS: your b'day cake looks so yummy!

  3. I'm sorry, all I saw was 46. Do you know what this means? I'm finally not the oldest girl on the block and from now on I will turn to YOU for advice. Open up your email and start waiting.

    1. Anytime, Kim. I must warn you, however - my age has nothing to do with my maturity. But if you're willing to be a guinea pig, then ask away!

  4. "I planned the day accommodating everybody but me and got pissed off at them for taking me up on it." Oh, Nami, you crack me up because that sounds exactly what I would do!
    Happy 46th birthday, fabulous lady! I'm not too far behind you - 41 next month ;) xxx

  5. Happy Late Birthday!! I thought you were younger than me, because you're so hip and cool and all:)

    1. My mom would say, that's not hip and cool - it's just lack of common sense. But, hey - why get wrinkles over life when you can have a beer and say to heck with it!

  6. Happy belated birthday! Glad you didn't burn dow the house with the candles. :)

    1. It's because I intended it to. When I'm trying to save the house - it'll collapse. Surely, it will.

  7. Happy Birthday, Nami!!!!!! Great window pic! Is that an Octopus? It looks delicious. :) haha!

    1. It's a squid. And my dad always commented that things looked delicious when he took us to the aquarium.

  8. Happy belated birthday! I've been celebrating the anniversary of my 29th for an embarrassing number of years now. It used to be sorta funny. Now it's just pathetic.
    And playing Hangman with Zuki is sorta like playing with my ex-husband, only Zuki's a way better speller. As a divorce present, I finally informed my ex that he'd get a lot more porno search engine results if he'd stop typing the word "amature."

    1. Is that like the "feed him for a day or teach him how to fish" mindset? Nothing like educating someone - even if it's porn.
