Happy April. Sheesh - four days in and I'm already a wreck. Instead of harping on one fine subject, I'll give you three because they really deserve a mention.
First off, congratulations to my mother-in-law (a.k.a. Grammy) for winning the "Citizen of the Year" award at the Elks in Southington. It's really something to have the power and the ability to help others and she does that almost effortlessly. I'm not talking about writing a check or wearing a flimsy yellow wrist band - I'm talking about helping hundreds of families that rely on
Bread For Life, the organization she volunteers at, for food, clothing and support.
Not everyone can touch people in the mass quantities that she does. It's because she has the knack. No, not the band who sang
My Sharona, I mean that special timing of running into a sale of flip flops at Old Navy for fifty cents a piece. Whereas most people would buy twenty pairs,
she'll buy them ALL. And then she'll send it to some country that hasn't discovered children's shoes yet.
All joking aside, hearing about her work makes us appreciate how fortunate we are. Times are tough for many families across the country, but at least the folks in Southington have our Grammy.
Grammy with her newest grandson, Cousin Adam |
"Dainty eaters have pepperoni slices and Doritos" |
"I'm spell checking the plaque" |
You may find the following news depressing so be warned: we had to dump the home brew we bottled last weekend. It was looking really good,
smelling deee-licious, but being the amateurs that we are, we filled the bottles too high and they exploded.
At 10:03 pm on Monday night, we heard a pop and glass shatter.
"WHAT was that?" My husband said.
My first thought was, "It's a zombie." But then I realized, to my extreme dismay, that it was the beer.
I know, you're weeping. It was going to be a fantastic blog post, with free samples. And chicken wings! But not to worry. I don't give up that easily (I've stayed married to my husband for ten years, c'mon!).
Beer? Or Molotov Cocktails... |
Finally, my little Charlie-Sheen-Wall-Street-Money-Maker brought home his resume (he really did make one in After-School!). I am eating my words because his Objective is right to the point. In fact, I may steal it for my own.
"To obtain a position" - that kind of says it all, right? Since I'm a little crude, mine might say,
"Just gimme a job!"
Isamu for hire |
Objective: To obtain a postion
Education: kindergarten
Sports: Baseball
TV Show: Tom and Jerry
Skills: Reading Writing
Shouldn't all resumes be this professional? And if you're wondering, the cartoon of the guy fishing is because he wants to be a fisherman. Not to catch fish - to "play with them."
Yeah, I'm gonna load up on my IRA just in case...