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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Real Boys Eat Blue Cheese

This post is going to be short and sweet. We're off on a weekend cruise to New Brunswick, Canada for the weekend - hopefully, our Captain is not a boat-abandoning Italian playboy.

Yes. I said it.

We made the most of the last two "Samu-less" days. Zuki and his best friend from school enjoyed "Free" bowling at Bowlmor, followed by burgers at "5 Napkins" in Hell's Kitchen.

I've learned the way to a boys heart is through meat, fried potatoes cheese dressing. That's what they're dipping their fries in. They're under 10 years old, folks. What's my food bill going to look like five years from now? I shudder at the thought.

Yesterday, I took Zuki to the Metropolitan Museum. Going with kids is great because they have no interest in art, which I know nothing about. Of course, all he was interested in were the Knights in armour, the swords and guns, musical instruments - and penises on statues.

If only I had a bubble thought....

Checking "thing" out
Okay, St. John's - fire up the ice cubes....we're coming!


  1. I love tagging along on your adventures! :) You think those boys eat a lot now, just wait until they are teenagers - they become bottomless pits.

  2. I'm not gonna lie; I giggle at penises on statues. They're so tiny! Then I get to look at Hot Joe and say, "He ain't got NUTHIN on you babe!"

    1. Why is it the ones that are immortalized in sculptures are not that impressive?

  3. Bahaha! The look at them hoeing into those fries!!! You better start saving up for those gourmet meals now, Nami. I mean like, immediately...:)

    1. I know! Who'd thought they'd get into blue cheese dressing now? What happened to plasticized Velveeta?

  4. You lucky woman! O Canada.... Dear God, I'd go back there in half a heartbeat.

    My boy already eats more food than I (oops--I mean my wife) can provide at the moment. He's a bottomless pit, that kid of mine!

    1. Canada was WONDERFUL. Like 20oz beers, wonderful! Beautiful country, too.

  5. I don't know anything about art either. Unless we are talking about a guy named Art's penis. Then, maybe.

  6. Bleu cheese and gazing in wonderment at statue wieners - Zuki and I have much in common.

    1. Won't you two be a spectacle visiting the Greek art at the Met Museum!

  7. Bleu cheese is the bomb! I am immature. I laugh at penises on statues and those naked woman paintings.

    1. Ever notice how the naked women in those paintings are like...fluffy?
