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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

After Game Glow

Oh the things kids learn at a Major League ball game. They learn yet another home team chant, they learn the Wave, the "We Are The Champions" clap and they practice yelling on cue. Really loud. Of course, it's easy because they're revved up on french fries, Mountain Dew, a corn dog and cotton candy. How I wish I were kidding - Dad's the best nutritionist.

This was our second trip to Citi Field to see the Mets play. It was against the Orioles and that's about all I remember. You see this time, even though it's only their second, the boys have become a little more comfortable with going to the ball park, as you can see here.

Boys response to "Go pose by the Pepsi sign."
They really got into this time, although they learned nothing about the game. All the rules, the play by play explanations went straight over their heads. Samu gave me the "uh-huh, uh-huh," while he eyed the sweaty vendors selling hot dogs, soda and big foam pointers (which he really wanted because he's the consumer who can't say no). And while he waited eagerly for the Mets to hit a home run, it wasn't because of the score, it was to see the big mechanical apple pop out.

The Mets did win the game. I'd like to say this footage is the After-game glow but alas, it's the Mountain Dew.


  1. We still have not attended a baseball game with the kids! I bet it was fun! Thought of you as we drove past NYC the other day en route to NH.

  2. A LOT of energy going on in that video clip! Looks like it was awesome fun. Love the Pepsi shot :)

  3. Although I’m not a baseball, I’m a little jealous reading this post. I O what lucky boys they are! I’d love to take my little one to see a baseball game, or any sporting event for that matter. Not much of a choice here in Kuwait, however.

    Most of the Middle East and a large portion of Europe are all massive soccer (or Football) fans. Over here, nothing else matters. What a shame, as they’re missing out on so much more.

    Mountain Dew is nothing more than carbonated sugar in colorful 16oz aluminum can. Add a little cotton candy to the mix and PRESTO!

    Love the video. That boy is going to be a huge Met fan.

    1. Mountain Dew also has a boatload of caffeine. That shows how much my husband loves me, don't you think?

  4. Caffiene and major league baseball? That's the life:)

    1. Wait till next year, when my husband lets him chew tobacco..

  5. LOVE the Pepsi photo and Mtn Dew buzz video, though I'm a Coke girl myself. :)

    1. Coke - it's about the only soda I'll drink, too. That's probably why they opted for the Dew. Pepsi sucks.

  6. Gotta love Mtn Dew. That stuff makes you feel invincible.

    1. I should drink that before vacuuming, then!
