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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Of Faith

I wish my birthday fell on Leap Day because technically, I'd be eleven years old. My birthday, however, is in July - the month that everybody's away on vacation. So if we're counting celebrations, technically I guess I'm five. That goes for my maturity as well.

Samu, the Kindergartner, knew today was Leap Day. His older brother, the Air-Head, doesn't even know what year we're in, much less the day of the week. Forget explaining Leap year or Leap Day - I might as well teach him Latin.

For example, everyday for homework, he has to write his name and the date. I'll ask him what today is and no matter where we are in the month he says, "I don't know, the 9th?"

"No, we're further than that. Look on the calendar."

He checks the calendar and five minutes later he says, "Yeah, it's the 9th."

So forget the concept of Leap Year.

Ask him what date "The Avengers" movie is going to be released, however, and he'd probably include a countdown. What can I expect from a kid who eats a dry rice cake topped with dry seaweed?

Don't clean your screen, that is rice cake on his cheek.


  1. When I was a kid, I knew this girl whose bday was February 29. Jealous, I was. But mine sometimes fell on Friday the 13th, and then I'd be all HA!...beat THAT! But I knew deep down it wasn't nearly as cool. :(

    And, yeah, I tried to wipe off the rice cake.

    1. The 13th is cool but as you say, not nearly as cool. There's something about telling people that you can't celebrate your birthday for another 3 years.

      Sucker punch!

  2. Haha! What's the significance of the 9th? Or is he just messing with you? I like a kid who knows how to push mom's buttons - it's why I keep my 4 around.

    1. How I wish he were just messing with me. How I wish.

  3. Hahaha! He's so totally GUY.

    I'm still mad that everyone else gets a picture and I get a KimP, so I have to do this:

    ~KimPugliano, The G is Silent

    1. Yeah, I was wondering who the P wuz an' all...

  4. Bwahahahaha! And again, the Air-Head strikes. But I'm pretty curious how the dry rice cake topped with dry seaweed tastes.

  5. I was thinking about eating lunch, until I read your blog. Maybe I should wait a few minutes for the seaweed thoughts to disappear.

  6. confession: I have never eaten seaweed!
